Everyone knows that every year around mid February, Indianapolis, if only for a weekend, transforms into the proverbial Mecca of the powersports universe.
This year I returned to pay homage. It was a berzerker attack to say the least. 3 days of bikes, bolt-ons and booth babes coupled with 3 nights of Indy-bar 4am slide shows and hotel staff harassment. I actually had fun. Shocking right?
I had not been out to the Indy show in years, and based on all of the hype I have heard relating to the last 3 or 4 years, I was not sure what to expect.
Needless to say I was blown away. This was definitely not a game, son. I saw as many new brands and gadgets as I saw pairs of boots with the fur.
Most of the weekend I rolled with the Christini AWD crew which got me a more personal and behind the scenes tour of the show and the Indy nightlife.
I could go into some of the finer technical points, but why write another novel when our good friend Rick at WebBikeWorld.com has already covered that base in detail.
Instead I am going to post what I thought were the most entertaining points of the weekend. To all those incriminated by these pictures: I kind of feel bad, but not really. It was all good semi-clean fun.

This is Ron. He is looking douchetastic in this pic on purpose. He is with a terribly bleethed out booth girl from one of the many Stunt Bike part companies. I couldn't tell you what the name of one of these company's was, but we did oggle the heck out of their women.

This is Ash. He's our parts intern. I don't know why hes so excited about that pic. We made him go on "time out" and sit on that chair for the better part of an hour for talking back. It worked. He didn't sass us again all weekend.

This is Paul Clipper. He is the owner and editor of Trail Rider Magazine and a legend in the industry. He generously invited us to his private party where we, after a few margaritas, unapologetically lowered the bar for everyone. We then convinced him to berserker attack a fake cactus. Hilarity ensued.

One of the many far east knock-off brands we saw, I referred to this line of bikes as the lost in translation's. I would love to now what eastern saying was literally translated to end up with the Hi-Bird brand. These guys just edged out the boys over at Yamasaki for the title of worst band name.

Spotted: Boots with the furrrr. Lowering the bar, yet again, at the Trail Rider party.

I was going to wrap up with the picture of the bruise on my ass from not making my jump over the counter of the Sheraton at 4am, but I will spare you. I leave you with the aftermath of the failed jump: 4:05am - My pose-off with Anna, the wake-up call attendant which we harassed upon coming home every night. We think she appreciated it, but who really knows but her.
I know this blog post is the equivalent of a Kenny Maine piece on SportsCenter - but they all can't be about Icon and "stoppies"... even we would get bored. We hope you enjoyed our highlight reel.
Click Here for the full Flickr Album.
BoochZilla, for RevZilla, reporting from Philadephia, out.
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