Before you rejoice about your motorcycle gear shopping cart balance being zeroed out....get ready to start searching for that “Add to Cart” button again. Alpinestars is now introducing their “Rideout Collection”. This collection has an urban commando theme focused more on impact protection than abrasion resistance with thin CE rated elbow and shoulder protectors in each piece. Styling and comfort were the two driving forces in this collection.

Alpinestars Dusk Jacket is the “beefiest” jacket in the Rideout Collection. The Dusk has the most abrasion resistant potential with its heavy weight textile shell that has a waxed cotton feel. Waterproof liners?.....We don’t want no stinkin liners. Leave the waterproof trash bag at home. The Dusk if fully equipped with a DryStar membrane laminated to its technical shell. Now Shrek has always said, “Ogres have layers like onions.” Now what do ogres, onions, and the Dusk have in common? Layers! The Dusk is packin heat with its removable inner thermal liner / destination jacket which has a down-like feel. Ripping through the last layer of this Alpinestars onion (eyes watering with excitement) we get to the important Overall, this is a winner in our book. Three cheers for multi-season greatness!
Alpinestars Dusk Jacket Review:

Once again, Astars throws the kitchen sink at another jacket. Thankfully, the
Alpinestars Lance Jacket has CE rated protectors in the elbows and shoulders or else that heavy cast iron sink could do some serious damage. Like the Dusk, the shell is not bombproof but is made of a heavy weight textile material. For urban hooligans ripping around town rain or shine, a laminated waterproof DryStar membrane will have you brushing the “durt off yo' shouldaz”. If the weather outside isn’t frightful and the ride is actually delightful....strip down and take it off! But first, get your mind out of the gutter. The Lance has a removable thermal liner that has dual sport properties. The thermal liner, once removed, turns into a destination jacket. What! Two jackets in one!? Aw Yeaa (Isaac Hayes voice). I can dig it. If you consider yourself a MacGyver of motorcycles, the Lance will fit the part in your bag of tricks....right next to your turkey baster and roll of dental floss.
Alpinestars Lance Jacket Review:

Alpinestars Mack Jacket truly deserves its name. This is the “Mack Daddy” of comfort. Alpinestars has added a few simply goodies to transform this jacket into the perfect casual crusader. The exterior of this jacket is...puffy. But, it has just the right amount of puff. Yes, we have a certified puff inspector that has deemed the Mack “puff perfection”. Now, no one likes swimming in their puffy jacket and that is a good thing because the Mack is not waterproof. However, the Mack has a slim puffy figure. After making your way through the fluff, you get into the comfortable interior that is silky smooth. It’s almost too smooth. Any yes, we have a certified smoothness inspector as well. Working hand in hand or should I say elbows and shoulders with the smooth interior is CE rated protectors to save your butt when you fall. There are many different types of falls, many are listed below.
- Black ice.
- Friend trips you.
- Late night at the Blue Oyster Bar.
- Taxi pulls in front of you and you pull a Travis Pastrana on your Kymco MYROAD700i.
The moral of this story is the Mack has got your back. If you're looking for the perfect level of pluff and smoothness, and the scenarios listed above are in your wheelhouse, Mack is your guy!
Alpinestars Mack Jacket Review:
Alpinestars Scion Jacket is a bit different from the winter biased jackets mentioned above. It’s a lightweight Spring / Fall jacket that keeps it simple. For riders looking for a lightweight waterproof windbreaker with CE rated armor, it’s a tough option to pass up. We all love when the dog days of summer leave us behind and the first fall chill flows through the air. Zip up your relaxed cut Scion and terrorize the streets in comfort.
Alpinestars Scion Jacket Review
Alpinestars Tyler Jacket has This jacket is a statement piece from Alpinestars. The down chassis has a military peacoat flavor. Ride your motorcycle to meet some friends on a Friday night and forget about changing out of the Tyler. Just hop off of your bike and “get to socializing”. If you’re a rider who wants protection but not at the expense of your social status this is a winner. Rock on Alpinestars!
Moving on to ... Women’s Jackets ... YAY!
Why are there never enough options for women? Come on motorcycle gear manufactures. Step it up. I am tired of talking to passionate women riders that are ready to get a little crazy in the twisties but only have a handful of products to choose from. What the hell! Oh, and if you haven’t heard, not all women like PINK.

Alpinestars must have heard me. The Ride Collection definitely steps it up in the women’s department. One of the new additions is the Stella Francie. Oooo...Stella Francie....that’s fun to say. It’s more fun to wear. Yes, I tried to squeeze into one. Let’s just say it’s “strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.”
Anywho, my guess is the Women's
Alpinestars Francie Jacket will be accepted by women with open arms. It’s a happy medium between safety, comfort, and style. And it does not, I repeat, does not come in PINK. Praise dear lord baby Jesus!
Note: If you like to think of Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt by all mean, be my guest.
Alpinestars Francie Jacket Review:

Is Alpinestars telling us to double down? Are they that confident in their ability to satisfy the urbanista in us all? Across the asphalt catwalk comes the Women's
Alpinestars Cassie Jacket. This is the perfect womens urban assault jacket. Blend into your social surroundings with the Stella Cassie’s modern style, then hit the pavement for spirited jaunts through your urban jungle on a mission for satisfaction and speed. Enter into each mission with the confidence that you’re going to look good and be protected at every checkpoint. All in all, the Stella Cassie is down for any challenge.
Whew! That was a lot of gear! Hopefully you outlasted this long read and are gearing up to Rideout on old man winter with Alpinestars this year.
-- High-Viz Brian
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