I bet you didn’t know that Imatra is a town in Finland (I didn’t either). Do you even know where Finland is? That I did know! But before you open up a new tab and click your way through Wikipedia, listen up. You need the best winter glove out there. I know you do. Gore-Tex X-Trafit, warm thermal-regulating goodness, all the protection you could ever dream of -- all of it! The new Rukka Imatra Gloves give you all of that, and more.

Rukka Imatra Gore-Tex Gloves Review:
And if crashing sounds like something you’d do (don’t lie, it is), the Imatra has some of the best protection on the market. A scaphoid palm slider in hard plastic, carbon knuckles, and pinky finger bridge will ensure you can count to 10 long into senescence. And for riders with eyes on the fritz, a convenient visor wiper on both index fingers is a welcomed addition. And even though you should never text and ride, the Imatra has touchscreen pads on the fingertips of both the index and thumb. Cheers to that! But really -- no texting, please.
Well, there you have it: an adventurous glove to match your adventurous spirit and adventurous wallet. Not for the faint of heart, RevZilla brings you the Rukka Imatra Gloves!
- ZLAus-e
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