While looking for gear we all have a mental list of things that we are looking for. Some want gear with a feminine design, others wants a stealthy look. Some just want to be seen. But, I think we can all agree on the reason why we wear gear. We wear it for protection. And protection is exactly what has set SIDI apart for years. Take, for example, the new Sidi Apex Lei boots. They are a serious, aggressive riding boot for the hardcore female rider. For her. And you know exactly who I’m talking about. A short version of the Vertigo Lei, the Apex Lei offer hard protection throughout the boot along with a shock absorbing sole. In addition to being lavishly armored, the Apex Leis also offer a sliding vent and a cambrelle lining that will keep you focused on the road and not on the temperature of your feet. These boots are not a fashion piece for the coming riding season. They are an investment with fully replaceable parts for seasons to come.
SIDI Apex Lei Boots Review:

SIDI Verona Lei Boots Review:
-- Alessandrea
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