That first helmet was too heavy, too big for me, and not rated by any safety organization whatsoever. If only someone had been there to give me a guiding hand, explaining these things to me when I was first starting out.

The SS1400 features an intermediate head shape that will fit most of the American market more comfortably than some of the rounder helmets in their lineup. Designed for the sport and sport-touring crowd, its plush interior is comfortable enough for all-day use and the inlet and exhaust vents allow for copious amounts of airflow. The shell is constructed of a fiberglass composite, which greatly reduces overall weight and neck fatigue on longer rides.
Speed & Strength SS1400 Solid Speed Helmet Review:
If Black or Matte Black are not your style, the Speed and Strength SS1400 Twist of Fate graphic, comes with Black, Red, or Hi-Viz Yellow lettering and provides a carbon fiber inspired, optical illusion effect. All of the same features as the Solid Speed Helmet, just with a visual boost. Don't strain your eyes too hard though... we are almost certain there are no sailboats to be seen!
Speed & Strength SS1400 Twist of Fate Helmet Review:
Helmet technology has come a long way since I bought my first helmet. With companies like Speed and Strength releasing helmets such as the SS1400, it keeps competitors on their toes. The result being that new riders and bargain hunters have more options than ever before in the sub-$200 price point. If you are currently shopping around for your first helmet, you have plenty of great options to choose from. Thanks to Speed and Strength, you now have one more.
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