Sometimes you just want half. A half rack of ribs at your favorite barbeque, half-n-half coffee creamer, half pepperoni / half cheese pizza… and let’s not forget a half-day at work or school! For those riders looking for half of a REV’IT! race suit, the rest of this blog is for you.

The new
REV’IT! Replica Race Jacket is the top half of the more encompassing REV’IT! Replica Race Suit. This option allows riders to take technologies honed in MotoGP, the highest level of motorcycle roadracing, and put it to use on the city streets. Functionality goes through the roof when you have the ability to attach this jacket to the GT-R trousers and be track-ready in a matter of moments. In essence, you will be able to get the best of both worlds. While it is yet to hit the market, it is safe to assume that this will be an incredibly aggressive, race-fit jacket that is built for a forward leaning deep tuck on the motorcycle.
To get the most out of your purchase, sometimes it is best to just go with the option that gives you the highest degree of functionality. If you are spending time both on the track and on the street, the REV’IT! Replica Race Jacket leaves you the option of doing both at a very high level.
Have fun out there, be safe, and as always…
Enjoy the ride.
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