Like the majestic knights gallantly galloping full tilt into yet another virtuous adventure, so too go the wild-at-heart motocross riders as they braap-braap through the dirt. Separated by continents, oceans, and oh… a few hundred years… the knights of the Middle Ages and the modern day dirt bike pilots really aren’t that much different. They are daring. They are skilled. And they get to wear some really cool gear!

The new
Alpinestars Fluid Pro Knee Braces are a top-tier option for the off-road master enthusiast, or professional. From design to construction, the Fluid Pro Knee Brace has been focused on combining structural integrity, strength, and comfort. As one of the very best in the business, Alpinestars has more than delivered on that goal. The Fluid Pro is 25% lighter than the current B2 brace options, retains its performance rating well-below any temperature you would want to be riding a motorcycle (-4 degrees F), and has specifically designed its airflow pattern to circulate maximum air throughout. Additionally, the Fluid Pro is highly adjustable, allows for ample customization, and is CE Certified for safety. The Fluid Pro Knee Braces are sold as a pair for both Left and Right legs.

Constructed of a Carbon polymer compound that is highly advanced for both weight reduction and tensile strength, the
Alpinestars Fluid Tech Carbon Knee Brace is a great option for riders who really put their bikes to work and always go for the win. These are true top-of-the-line, pro-quality pieces. With a knee pivot system that features a double-hinged system that allows for tool-free maintenance and adjustability, the Fluid Tech Carbon Knee braces pay just as much attention to how they will be used, as to what they will be used for. From the ergonomically constructed, highly customizable, and rigidly defensed Carbon Knee Braces from Alpinestars boast a 40% lighter weight than the previous iteration of B2 comparables. Unlike the Fluid Pro braces, the Fluid Tech Carbon braces are sold individually.

With both knees covered, the
Alpinestars A1 Roost Guard works to deflect light debris away from your torso without incident. Its hard-shell construction and high-performance polymeric material combination affords the luxury of a malleable outer wall that is both protective and lightweight. As most of your motocross riding will be done in the warmer months, and you will probably be working pretty hard on the pegs as you ride, the A1 Roos Guard has paid special attention to its ventilation properties, as well as its interface with your body in general, and can be seen with regard to the bio foam padding placed throughout.
Going off road is immensely fun. It is enthralling, enlivening, and downright awesome. So too is jousting. Just as you would never see a great knight stroll into the arena sans their full-complement of armored gear, you too should never hit the trails without the proper protection. For the Fall of 2015 Alpinestars provides multiple options for riders of all levels.
Have fun out there, be safe, and as always…
Enjoy the ride,
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