No Plasti-Dipping required! The Icon Alliance Dark Helmet starts with the essentials; a purebred, procreated from the loins of darkness and shadow. The Alliance shell has been in production for a while and has not been replaced for good reason! The shape, safety, comfort, and ventilation have all been home-runs and at a very attainable price. Icon wants to make a commitment to success with this one, and we agree that it is a smart move.

Let's compare. Graphics edition Alliance helmets usually run $200-$250. The Rubatone retails at $170 and the regular ol' solid weighs in at $160. Icon is launching the Alliance Dark at $150, but with one huge bonus! What is the first thing you want to do after getting your super awesome, murdered-out lid? Buy a dark smoke shield, of course! Now you won't have to, since the Alliance Dark comes standard with BOTH clear and dark-smoke shields.
Icon Alliance Dark Helmet Review:
We think Icon has hit the nail on the head with this one. Its the right recipe and we are going to do our best to keep these on the shelves for as long as they'll let us!
Fade to Black.
-- ckZilla
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