You wouldn’t just give away your favorite fuzzy slippers, would you? What about your best suit or your super-high-def entertainment system? You worked hard for the things that you have and you should be able to keep them. The same principle should hold true with your body heat!

The new
REV’IT! Radiant WP Jacket is here to help you keep your well-earned, calorie-burning body heat where it belongs in the winter… forming a comforting microclimate around your skin! One of the things that pulls away more heat than anything else is the wind, and that thieving scoundrel will take every last drop of it if you let him! With the incorporation of the WindBarrier system into this jacket, the Radiant WB will put up adequate defenses against even the gustiest of climatic conditions. At the same time, you will also notice that REV’IT! has designed this jacket to also actively pull moisture away from your body to allow for a more enjoyable ride all around. Lightweight in construction and anatomically designed to allow for comfort and mobility, this is a piece of gear that can be used both on and off of the motorcycle.
If you’ve had enough of Mother Nature taking what is yours, go ahead and put an end to it! Stand up, gear up, and remember to pack along your REV”IT! Radiant WB Jacket.
Have fun out there, be safe, and as always…
Enjoy the ride,
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