Good ideas tend to last. That is kind of the theme of three of the newest graphical additions to the AGV K5 S lineup for the Fall of 2016.

AGV K5 S Hero Helmet stands somewhere between a lightning storm, Michael Bay transformer, and a stroll the the Tron universe. If it looks familiar, that is because it should! AGV has used this graphic before, and the responses were so great, that upon releasing the new K5 S addition to their lineup, they went with the graphic again in order to welcome in an entirely new set of riders to the fam. With the AGV K5 S Hero, riders are afforded a premium, long-rang helmet that is hi-viz, without being “hi-viz”.

Another graphic that should look familiar can be seen on the
AGV K5 S Enlace Helmet. With a more subdued vibe than the Hero, the K5 S Enlace has the presence of a bull ram asserting its power in a resolute stance of dominance whilst overlooking a vast mountain range before it. Yeah, pretty much that. At the same time, however, the Enlace isn’t all about power and presence (though, if it were, that wouldn’t be too shabby of a combo in-and-of itself!). With the K5 S Enlace, riders also get to make use of the redesigned comfort features of an improved internal lining.

Lastly on our list of graphics you may have seen before, the
AGV K5 S Deep Helmet picks up right where the old version left off. As the Darth Maul of the AGV lineup, the K5 S Deep helmet asserts its presence with a subtle firmness and a bit of “in the shadows” mystery regarding its dastardly deeds. In making use of all of the great features seen with the K5 S (such as an internal drop-down sun visor, precision aerodynamics, and Pinlock lens), the Deep graphic is an angular, sweeping aesthetic which augments the already stellar attitude of the K5 S.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s a solid motto, and one that AGV has employed with the Hero, Hurricane, and Deep graphical additions to its K5 S lineup.
Have fun out there, be safe, and as always…
Enjoy the ride,
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